Meghan had never been to one before, so on May 19th we decided to get in touch with our inner white trash and attend one at the Golden Spike Arena in Ogden.
Demo derby driving is a garish ballet of steel, rust, dirt, and radiator fluid. This derby was no exception. One car got its entire back third sheared off, while another entrant's back half was forced on top of another car, leaving its back tires dangling in the air above the hood of the offending auto.
But the automotive carnage is just part of the fun of a demo derby--the people watching is equally entertaining. Although mullet levels we dangerously low, the following list summarizes the crowd element of the derby nicely:
-hunting shirts
-tank tops
And let's not forget the little boy with the "I Heart Golden Corral" t-shirt. That was my favorite.
Yes, it just might be the world's most perfect sport.