Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Obama Takes Your Piece of the Pie

Forget the anecdotes and a slew of red herrings. This financial crisis was caused by the federal government playing mortgage broker. The following video systematically documents the seeds and fallout of said current economic malaise. It runs at a very fast pace, so pausing it will likely be a necessity as your read its quotes and highlighted passages. The last few minutes are spent stumping, but I urge everyone to pay attention to the data and figures presented here.

Now, to whom should blame be affixed?

On a completely different note of a humorous air, I can't get enough of Barack Obama talking about pie.

It cracks me up.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Home Stretch

Huzzah! Someone finally asked the Obama campaign the tough questions of the moment!

The Obama campaign was so pleased it revoked all future interviews with this television station.

How is the media going to be able to accurately report truths about leftist President Obama without being bullied/blackmailed/smeared/denied by his support staff at this rate?

I think it's an ominous sign of things to come.

On another note, I think you all should read Charles Krauthammer's excellent piece articulating his vote for McCain.

My vote too will be cast based upon the matter of experience--and McCain has Obama schooled in that arena.

So here's to the Republican Ship in '08, Charles. It may be taking on water and ready to sink into the murky depths of political ignominy, but we held our bearings.

Ready to sail another day.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

In Which I Attempt Voter Fraud

Not really.

I received my absentee ballot from Utah in the mail yesterday. I only wanted a Presidential Primary ballot several months ago (which I never got) before I registered to vote here in Michigan.

I'll forego the temptation to break the law and vote twice.

Although the Utah ballot does proffer the opportunity to vote for PC mogul/crazy person Superdell for Governor...

Sigh. Michigan is a swing state but we've yet to have a gubernatorial candidate sporting a 70's detective-style mustache and a platform with the adjectives "totally awesome" inserted into every sentence.

Sometimes other people have all the electoral fun.

In Which I Debate The Debates

The first two Presidential Debates I gave to Obama. He was consistently on top of his talking points and more fluid. Bear in mind that as an unabashed Republican I don't concede such things easily.

The Vice Presidential Debate I gave to Biden because of his grit and attention to detail. Many gave the debate to Palin. Expectations for her performance had been minimized by the media and the leftists. When she exceeded said low expectations, I believe the talking heads were surprised (they expected a bloodbath) and gave her the win instead of the Old Gray Mare. I thought Palin's performance was contrived, vague, and almost robotic--especially at the onset of the debate.

McCain finally came out swinging in the third debate. He hit home on Obama's true weaknesses and displayed a control and tenacity we'd been hoping for since the first debate. Obama looked terrible in the beginning--tired, worn down, and bland.

Yes, this conservative only gave one out of four debates to McCain/Palin--not a good sign.

Victory appears elusive in November as I'm convinced this election hinges more upon the vulnerability of the Republican brand than character, candidates, or issues.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

There's Something About Barry...

Barack Obama has been running his campaign for President for over a year and a half now.

What exactly bothers me the most about his ascension and possible presidency?

Is it his ties to radicals/race baiters/felons? Naw.

Is it the complicity of the media in heralding his gospel? Nope.

Is it his quasi-socialist agenda that will kneecap this already ailing economy? No, although this is a close second place.

It's Barack Obama's relentless, almost insatiable, quest for power.

Whether as President of the Harvard Law Review, a well-connected Illinois State Senator, a wunderkind U.S. Senator, or Democratic Presidential Candidate, Obama has demonstrated a clear pattern of creating ties and infrastructure to ascend to the next level of power above him as soon as he gains even more power.

The person(s) always on the benefiting end of such newly-bestowed power? Barack Obama.

Yes, Barack, you heard me right. You're one selfish dude.

You've climbed the ladder so fast you never stayed put to be accountable for the people's work.

If elected, next time, We The People will force you to be.

Because you cannot gain any higher office.