Sunday, June 22, 2008

Move Over, Bright Copper Kettles and Warm Woolen Mittens...

My sister's baby, Emma, and my baby, Mariuxi, come together to form perhaps the empirically cutest photo ever taken.

(Photo courtesy of Dave Ryerse)

Sometimes It's Good To Lose

In hindsight, maybe it wasn't so bad that Mitt Romney failed to capture the Republican nomination for President.

Now that we know Barack Obama is the certified winner of the democratic primaries, imagine if Romney, aka "The Mormon," was going head-to-head against him in the general election right now.


While much of the PR the Church received during the Romney campaign was positive, old stereotypes and prejudices still reared their acidic heads.

Those were just the primary elections.

If Mitt Romney, the first Mormon ever to get a shot at the White House was campaigning against the first African-American ever to do the same, you'd see the classic "Blacks in the Priest-hood" issue get so far distorted by enemies of the church and Romney that the church would have a PR nightmare.

I think a higher power knew that would happen.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

What Do You Do For Eternity?

When I was a little kid growing up and was taught the doctrines of exaltation and eternal life, I had one major question on my mind:

Just what do we do in a glorified state that lasts forever? Won't we get bored eventually?

As I got older, I figured the answer was no. My rationale was that infinite capacity for creation=infinite possibilities for activities.

In a book my mother-in-law insisted I read, Earth in the Beginning, author Eric N. Skousen made me think about this childhood quandary:

Simply put, if you are a being with an infinity of time before you, it is certainly consoling to know that you have an infinity of unorganized material to yet organize.

Eternal boredom, thus, remains an impossibility not necessarily because of our divinely-endowed capacities, but because of the infinite task at hand of organizing that which is not organized.