Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Not Born a Travelin' Man

Mitt Romney has just completed his World Tour of the UK, Israel, and Poland.

While I personally don't feel that any of his actions were cringe-worthy, the media panned it as a gaffe-a-thon.

The trip, nonetheless, missed the mark.  Instead of building Romney's bona fides on foreign policy, it demonstrated that Romney can raise money, pander to Jewish voters, and travel via airplane.

Romney should have simply remained overwhelmingly positive on this trip.  He already looks the part of an America president.  Why not match it with some idealistic rhetoric?

"Is London ready for the Olympics?"
"Yes!  You know the Brits--Hitler couldn't stop them, and neither will rain and poor private security contracting."

Had I been an adviser to Governor Romney, I would have urged him to speak in Belgium or Switzerland.  In Belgium he could have visited a battlefield and in Switzerland he could have stumped at an international NGO.  He would have been able to speak in French and English.  I think it would have made for good optics--imagine a bilingual American presidential candidate talking to a European crowd in their own tongue!  Sure beats Obama's "foreign policy" experience eating dog and waking up to the calls of the Muezzin in Indonesia as a child.

Mitt, I trust you will learn from this experience.



Monday, July 23, 2012

Pioneer Day Meme

My favorite Brigham Young quote of all time...

Monday, July 16, 2012

A Political Dead Heat in the ObamaNation

Conservatives are downright scared.

"How can Obama be in a dead heat with Romney given the dismal state of our economy and world standing?" they ask themselves.  "How is this man not losing the presidential horse race by a mile?"

I believe the answer lies in the increased role of government to provide for the basic needs of many citizens.

Food stamp rolls have expanded.

Disability benefit recipients are up.

More people rely on government moolah to stay in their homes and apartments.

Should Romney win, this rattled half of the population fears that its federally funded food, phones, transportation, and shelter will go away.

Mitt Romney has been cleverly labeled by the opposition as a miserly businessman out of the Dickensian era who will stop at nothing to grind the poor on the millstone of austerity--and this label has stuck.

Out of this primal fear of survival, Obama endures in the polls.

Friday, July 13, 2012

A Side of Rice

 I know that making Condi Rice Romney's VP could have a strategically positive influence for the GOP in the presidential race...

...but doesn't it play perfectly into Obama's argument that Romney equals George W. Bush, thereby negating any benefits of her candidacy?