Wednesday, March 21, 2007


This time of year brings me back to my roots on the Emerald Isle. ..

Okay, not super true--I'm only 1/16 Irish. However, in my family we've always celebrated Saint Patrick's Day hardcore and I intend to follow tradition. For dinner group, I whipped up a wickedly authentic Irish meal shortly before March 17th! In addition to these two dishes, I also cooked/purchased boiled cabbage and green pop. Here's to international culinary domesticity!

A glazed corned beef brisket. Forget the spice packet they give you--the orange juice and brown sugar glaze is where it's at.

Irish soda bread. This is a classic recipe of Mom's--I daresay I did it justice this time.


Unknown said...

It was delicious. Why didn't we watch Darby O'Gill on Saturday? Sorry dude, you should have called or something. Oh wait, you were probably with Meghan.

Bukran said...

Yeah, we blew that one...

Sorry, Sean Connery & the Leprechauns...