Wednesday, March 18, 2009

An Open Letter To My Son

Dear Son,

Sorry you're going to be working for the rest of your life to pay off the current government bailouts.

We didn't vote for him--we promise.


Your Parents


dave, catie, and baby b. said...

Dad, I'm 25 and our president is now Britney Spears' daughter. I'd give anything to have Obama back in office.

dave, catie, and baby b. said...

Dad, its okay, I moved to China.

Alexander said...

Oh Bukran -- I had to wipe a tear from my eyes. A more tender exchange was never given from a father to a son. . . .

Bukran said...

Son, since you've apparently traveled back in time with the technology available to you, can you do so again and step on a newt or something to destabilize the space-time continuum so as to prevent a future President Spears? Much thanks.

dave, catie, and baby b. said...

Dad, after stepping on a newt, I returned to the future to find that 24's Kiefer Sutherland has legally changed his name to Jack Bauer and proclaimed Czar over the USSA.

Melanie said...

Ha ha ha! The spending is ridiculous, we're all screwed! Yet, Obama is the "Promised Messiah", it seems like for most people. Crazy.

Bear said...

I am so glad I found your blog. You are hilarious. Mrs Bukran must laugh all day. Tell her I said HI!

Raphelle said...

Papa Bukran,
Please post on your blog more. I can't handle this once a month nonsense. I demand more frequent comedy!

Thank you.

Unknown said...

Hear hear! I echo Raphelle's sentiments. What news of Baby Stoddard? What news of soon to be Momma Stoddard? (Although, I don't think that nickname fits Meghan, it makes me think of a slightly mannish woman, and perhaps Russian. Therefore...) what news of a new nickname have you thought of for Meghan since Momma Stoddard doesn't fit her persona, or accent? What news of you, Papa Buck?
The world is dying to know.