Monday, November 13, 2006

To Wong, From America

This is Wong (more or less). He does not play into the many Wong stereotypes.

He is not a Chinese restauranteur.

He is not a detective.

Nor is he a deified Kung Fu master.

He is a driver.

And he's been doing it for a long time...

Wong recently ended his employment for the ex-patriot Deibel family in Shanghai, so we took these pictures to show him great university founded for glorious honor of revolutionary hero Brigham Young...

Great indigenous peasant leader Massasoit honored for work with the people's agriculture.

Katie gets special classroom at university...


Bukran said...

Que vaina. New rule for the BukranBlog: comments need only apply to the actual post they pertain to. If you have beef, send me an email. Gracias.

Unknown said...

In kindlier news, I do like you Wong post Bukran, its very funny.

Bukran said...

Thank you. I do hope that everyone realizes that I started this blog with the intent of it being one of a thoroughly humourous nature.