Barack Obama has been running his campaign for President for over a year and a half now.
What exactly bothers me
the most about his ascension and possible presidency?
Is it his ties to radicals/race baiters/felons? Naw.
Is it the complicity of the media in heralding his gospel? Nope.
Is it his quasi-socialist agenda that will kneecap this already ailing economy? No, although this is a close second place.
It's Barack Obama's relentless, almost insatiable, quest for power.Whether as President of the Harvard Law Review, a well-connected Illinois State Senator, a wunderkind U.S. Senator, or Democratic Presidential Candidate, Obama has demonstrated a clear pattern of creating ties and infrastructure to ascend to the next level of power above him as soon as he gains even more power.
The person(s) always on the benefiting end of such newly-bestowed power? Barack Obama.
Yes, Barack, you heard me right. You're one selfish dude.
You've climbed the ladder so fast you never stayed put to be accountable for the people's work.
If elected, next time, We The People will force you to be.
Because you cannot gain any higher office.